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ISTQB Testing training at FuturePointTech - California
ISTQB Testing training at FuturePointTech
ISTQB Syllabus Contents 1. Fundamentals of Testing -Why is testing necessary --Software systems context --Causes of software defects --Role of testing in software development, maintenance and operations --Testing and quality --How much testing is enough -What is testing -Seven testing principles -Fundamental Test Process --Test Planning and control --Test analysis and design --Test implementation and execution --Evaluating exit criteria and reporting --Test closure activities -The psychology of testing -Code of ethics 2. Testing throughout the Software Life Cycle -Software Development Models --V model --Iterative models --Testing within a lifecycle model -Test Levels --Component testing --Integration testing --System testing --Acceptance testing -Test Types --Functional testing --Non functional testing --Structural testing --Regression testing 3. Static Techniques -Static techniques and the test process -Review Process --Activities of a formal review --Roles and responsibilities --Types of reviews --Success factors for reviews -Static analysis by tools 4. Test Design Techniques -Test development process -Categories of test design techniques -Black box techniques --Equivalence Partitioning --Boundary Value Analysis --Decision Table Testing --State Transition Testing --Use case testing -White box techniques --Statement testing and coverage --Other structure based techniques -Experience based techniques -Choosing test techniques 5. Test Management -Test Organisation --Test organisation and independence --Tasks of test leader and tester -Test Planning and Estimation --Test planning --Test strategy, test approach -Test Progress Monitoring and Control --Test progress monitoring --Test reporting --Test control -Configurati Visit for cou
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