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Mystery Shopper - California

Mystery Shopper 

Earn $400 by been a mystery shopper weekly. Your employment packet include business evaluation form, a training assignment which will be send to you after you received payment for the assignment. Paycheck/ Cash would be sent to you for the assignment by Certified Client to pick up Goods /Items,your paycheck would be send to you $400, as your weekly salary after you complete your task for the evaluation at the Any store that would be sent to you. Your Employment packet are as follows : 1. Business evaluation form: This is the form you are required to fill after you visit any shopping mall/Store in your area in your area, you would be given the store name and address. You are required to evaluate its customer service and quality control after their services are rendered to you. 2. Training Assignment: You are hired to evaluate the quality of services of the store or mall that would be given to you . You are needed to rate the employees. Please note, this is a part-time activity. Email me the below details: Name:________________________________________ Last Name:____________________________________ AddressLine1 (NOT A PO BOX):___________________ City:_________________________________________ State:________________________________________ Zip Code:______________________________________ Age:__________________________________________ Phone Number______home _______________________ I will be looking forward to receive the above details. Reply To: [email protected] Sincerely, Janet

Price: Make Offer
Listing ID: 21846
Ad Type Offering a Job
Job Type Part-Time
Is the ad publisher located in US? Publisher Claim is Yes
    • Listing Began:
    • Wed, 13 January 2021
    • State
    • California
    • City
    • Los Angeles
    • Price:
    • Make Offer
    • Time Remaining:
    • Auction starts on first bid
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