Views: 589
Kalamata Olives for Sale in San Francisco, Califor - California
Kalamata Olives for Sale in San Francisco, Califor
Looking for Kalamata olives for sale in San Francisco, CA? Kalamata olives are hand-picked at peak ripeness, resulting in a robust flavor profile unlike any other olive. The first bite explodes with a complex interplay of savory richness. Think intense umami notes mingling with hints of brine and a delightful tanginess. This distinct flavor comes from the traditional curing process, often involving natural brining and olive oil packing. The result? An addictive flavor that lingers on your taste buds, leaving you wanting more. If you'd like to order Kalamata olives in San Francisco, CA, please visit our website at Olive This Olive That or at our olive oil shop at 304 Vicksburg St, (Noe Valley) San Francisco, CA. 94114. Thanks!
Ad Type | Offering for sale |
Is the ad publisher located in US? | Publisher Claim is Yes |
- Listing Began:
- Sat, 22 June 2024
- State
- California
- City
- San Francisco
- Price:
- $8.50 USD
- Time Remaining:
- Auction starts on first bid
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